Shaun & Kirsty Lowther, Trimdon Village

neonatal twins

On the 6th January 2015 I gave birth to my beautiful twins there was no real explanation to why my beautiful babies arrived into this world early but me and Shaun my husband believe that everything happens for a reason. Noah was born weighing 2 lb 3 ounces and Ava weighed 1 lb 13 ounces at 26+6. The team on the neonatal unit are like no other they haven’t just provided amazing care to our babies they have supported us through the good days and the bad. We couldn’t have got this far if it wasn’t for them helping us every step of the way. They are not just nurses in our eyes they are councillors and most importantly our friends. We will never ever forget them, in our eyes they are all absolute Angels and if it wasn’t for them our babies wouldn’t be here today.

Throughout our stay at the neonatal unit at North tees hospital our babies were cared for by the most amazing team of nurses and doctors. If it wasn’t for these amazing individuals our babies wouldn’t be here today. We will never ever forget how they have all helped us through this tough and hard time. We have the theory that because Ava was born in her sack that we will be due some luck so we have started putting the lottery on. We always say if we won we would look after each and everyone of the members of staff. They will always have a place in our hearts.

After a roller coaster journey of 76 days on the neonatal unit at north tees hospital we got to bring our beautiful little miracles home which was the best feeling ever.

Yes it’s been tiring but we didn’t expect anything different and we both absolutely love being parents. I shared our story about our time on the neonatal unit by writing a daily blog and got a lot of interest and people asking if I would continue the blog when we brought Noah and Ava home. As well as keeping everyone up to date through the blog we decided to set ourselves a challenge – The challenge to set up a charity specifically for the unit.

So that’s what we did, we feel like we owe it to the unit, to the amazing people that run the unit and save babies lives every single day. That’s why NeoAngels was born and aswel as looking after our twins, our home and juggling work life we have started a new venture by creating NeoAngels something we are so excited about and we have this feeling in our bones that its going to be very successful.

Due to all the support and kind words people have spoken about my blog and setting up of the charity I thought it would be nice to share it all with everyone. So here it is the start of our adventure – let the fun begin….

Keep updated with what’s happening with the Lowther family by reading our blog: