We received a very lovely letter in the post this week, (we’re big fans of nice letters here at Neoangels!) from Janet Craigs who is the Brown Guider at 11th Cramlington Brownies.
She got in touch to let us know that her group had taken on the Pyjama Challenge Badge to help raise money for Neoangels after our ward looked after their Baby Barn Owl Joseph Tinsley. Joseph’s mum, Natalie is this Brownie Group’s Barn Owl.
The girls learned all about sleeping routines and how to relax, and they looked at bedtime stories, and even had a go at writing their own. They designed some pyjamas fit for a queen (literally!) and they made some super-cute woolly sheep to count when you can’t sleep.
They even had a visit from a Children’s Nurse (who is also a guider) and she talked to the Brownies all about being in hospital, ward routines and how children and their parents and carers sleep on the ward.
Part of their challenge was to raise money for a children’s hospital or ward – and we are delighted that they chose us! They each took home a small box of sweets and Brown Owl asked them in return for the sweets to do ‘Good Turns’ at home by helping out and to collect small change to refill the box.
The Brownies raised an amazing £65 for us!
We are so incredibly grateful and so proud of them for all their hard work, dedication and Good Turns. You go girls!