Natasha McLellan & David Brandon, Stanley
We wish to tell our story of our son Levii-Reece.
3 days before our fella was born I went to hosp at Durham in severe pain and no fetal movements. They found his heartbeat and sent me home saying I had SPD and that I should not worry. On the 18.6.16 I went into premature labour losing my show in bath I ran the shower head over my back but was reassured it was braxton hicks etc. At 4am on 19.06.2016 (fathers day) I rang 111 saying I thought I was in labour and they sent a blue light ambulance and when arrived they gave me gas and air and phoned through to Durham Hospital saying my contractions were 3-4 min apart and that I was on gas air and could could not control my pain and discomfort.
They took me straight in and when I was rushed in I was 10cm dilated and our son was breech. I had to push him out with no help it was so very traumatic and in 1st push he was born, bruised with septicaemia and he opened his bowels in me as my waters broke in ambulance. He was 2.6lbs born, but he would not breathe on his own, he was very very poorly. He got got transferred at midday to university hospital north tees Stockton for specialist care. He is still there now as he is still little and is only 3 weeks old, he is an awesome little fella, he is still fighting like his daddy (a boxer)
He is getting weaned from his ventilator and has no infections or bruising anymore and although they had to do a lumbar puncture thinking he had meningitis it came back negative. Although as I was giving birth he had a bleed on the right side of his brain but is absorbing now, he also has a hole in his heart and we hope it will heal in its own.
Could everyone please help our son by sending their love hope wishes and prayers his way as every little helps. He has a brother and 3 sisters who wish to meet him and older family members who want to spoil him rotten. Please could I also ask everyone give their thanks to this fantastic charity who help families like us and their own and others who cant not find or receive help. Without this charity we couldn’t get help with transport costs to visit our son almost 30miles away………thankyou to everyone to understands and helps most of all
North Tees Hospital in Stockton and not forgetting Neoangels. Thanks to you we can get our word out.